Dutch Fowling Piece c. 1670-80
Loan Anonymous
The gun is nearly identical to that pictured in the painting of one of four Mohawk sachems sent in 1710 to England and presented to Queen Anne. The great length of the barrel was supposed to make it more accurate. This example descended in Roosevelt family. Fine ancient fowling pieces were treasured gifts to Indian sachems, however they never appreciated the great length and would cut two or three feet off to make them more usable in the woods.
Bow, 18th century
Loan Hollis Brodrick
Early wooden bow of the type used by First Nations tribes in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Authentic replica, on paper, of the version of the 1713 Treaty of Portsmouth presented to Queen Anne
Courtesy: British Library
Authentic replica, on paper of the 1713 Treaty of Portsmouth retained by the British Royal Governor, in Boston.
Courtesy: Library of Congress, Levi Woodbury family papers, 1638-1914
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